Endless possibilities for designing crop
protection solutions

Bare Lucerne
Ready for treatment
Layer 1
Fungicide, pesticide in
bio-degradable polymer
Layer 2
Segregate rhizobia in
bio-protective polymer
Layer 3
You choose
Limited spaces available for 2024

Exclusive Pre-Launch Invitation

We can tell you what VensoGrow is capable of - or better still, join a select group in our exclusive FCP program for Formulators to experience the benefits first-hand, positioning your company at the forefront of seed coating technology innovation globally, in readiness for our 2025 launch catalogue.

Harness our Platform for Unlimited innovation.

limited places available in 2024

Leverage Cutting Edge Technology

We are working with the leading global formulators to provide tailored solutions for seed coating problems that were inescapable with conventional machinery - paving the way for a lower cost, higher quality paradigm.

Low Cost, Early Test Access

VensoGrow brings years of investment and learnings to the table on how to coat seeds better and faster than before. We offer low cost access to our test facility and expert support from experienced engineers.

Strategic Partnership Potential

Successful trials may open doors to strategic partnerships, including becoming a preferred supplier and other priority access to our next generation software and hardware.

VensoGrow -More Benefits For Industry

Add sealant or top-coat to Pelleted and Encrusted Seeds

Seal encrusted or pelleted seeds with an anti-dust, hard flowable topcoat, and where microbial shelf life is an issue, just prior to sowing coast-effectively add a bio-layer as a top coat.

Dust Free, Multi-layer Liquid Seed Treatments

Provides more real estate on the seed - enables coating and drying of concentrated liquid treatments in discrete layers, without the need for costly, polluting powder binders to "hold" the additional liquid. Cut costs and removes the added risks of harmful airborne dust particles, if build not required.  

Increase Germination Rates and S.A.T. Efficacy

In less than 5 seconds, our temperature controlled, rapid processing preserves cells and ensures sensitive seeds and bio-actives don't exceed the denaturing temperature, delivering the theoretical maximum microbial dose onto the dried and coated seed without losses. All while supporting high germination rates.

Enhanced Seed and Bio-active Shelf Life

Maximise bio-active delivery onto seed and offers long term protection of bio-actives from other chemicals, with the capacity to segregate phytotoxic chemicals form germ and bio-product in physically separate layers. Our contactless process further enhances shelf life by reducing bruising.
the vensogrow advantage

Successful trials underway with global companies

We can tell you what BreezeCoat™ is capable of - or better still, join a select group in our exclusive FCP program for Formulators to experience the benefits first-hand, positioning your company at the forefront of seed coating technology innovation globally, in readiness for our 2025 launch catalogue.